Trading Router

NinjaTrader 8 TradingRouter Strategy Settings

Trading Router Client Token

client tokens for NinjaTrader 8 to receive Tradingview signals

Trading Router Client Tokenis an identifer of your account.

You can find your client token on the dashboard of trading router website. You must input client token to connect to server. Client token is a string starting with "client".

Miscellaneous Settings

Trading Router NinjaTrader 8 Strategy settings

"Start Time (Local Time)" and "End Time (Local Time)" control when the Strategy should be active. The Strategy will only active afer Start Time and before End Time. If you want the Strategy to be active all the time, you can set Start Time to 00:00 and End Time to 24:00

Prefix is added before symbol and Suffix is added after symbol. Set them to empty if there is no prefix or suffix for the symbol.

Prefix Suffix example
NinjaTrader 8 settings for prefix and suffix in symbols of received Tradingview alert messages
  • token=master19dd529542d4b79d2bc4, n_signal=buy, symbol=AUDUSD, n_qty=1 (note: buy 1 quantity of $AUDUSD)

Setup Section

Trading Router NinjaTrader 8 Strategy settings

  • Maximum bars look back : set 256 to have better performance.
  • Bars required to trade : set 1 to have better performance.
  • Enabled : tick this option to enable the strategy, otherwise the strategy will not work.
  • Start behavior : you can set any option.

Order properties

set order properties for Trading Router NinjaTrader 8 Strategy

  • Time in force : set GTC so that the buylimit, buystop, selllimit, sellstop commands can work. If you set DAY, the orders created by buylimit, buystop, selllimit, sellstop commands will be cancelled at the end of day. Never set GTD, the buylimit, buystop, selllimit, sellstop commands will not work for GTD.